Would you like to make
your own MaGrav system?
Maybe we can help you!
We invite you to join the experiment carried out by the Society of Blue Planet:
Who can participate?
Anyone who is willing to test the Mag-grav device for at least 12 months and who can provide monthly data on electricity consumption - even for 12 months ago. A more detailed description can be found in the excel table.
How does it work?
Each participant will record the data on electricity consumption for the last 12 months in an Excel table. Then each will record the monthly consumption. Then we will compare the monthly consumption with the same month of the previous year and the total consumption with the previous year's. Graphically, we will monitor the movement of current consumption. At the same time we will compare which of the variants of Mag-grav devices are more successful.
How to get the Mag-grav device?
We want to measure the consumption of electricity when the major appliances are connected to the Mag-grav device. We wish to test the device on as substantial a sample as possible and in varying circumstances because in this way, we will obtain credible statistics.
- You can use your own if you have one
- You can make it yourself
- You may acquire from us Kit ready at a low price for the purpose of testing (you may keep it after the experiment):
- You may acquire one from us for the purpose of testing: more about this

How to start?
We will send you an excel table that you fill out and return to the mail: planet@dva.si. Instructions for completion are in the table.
After you connect the Mag-grav device, please send us monthly data on consumption – instructions are in the excel table.
What is the aim and purpose of the experiment?
With the broad experiment we want to prove in practice that it is possible to achieve a significant reduction in electricity consumption with the Mag-grav device.
At the same time we want to test different equipment variants (different connections coils, layouts, accessories, ...), in different environments (family house, apartment block, ...).
NOTE: for non - EU countries the device is without the socket and plug - only a cable is supplied.
GDPR Contact
Piškotki - izjava o varovanju osebnih podatkov
Za 5 d.o.o., Zg. Duplek 8č, 2241 Sp. Duplek